Digital Permit to Work is your front-line method of keeping people safe in high hazard industries. It represents the combination of risk identification, management & control, and communication forming a key component of safe Control of Work.
As well as a system that ticks all the boxes, the most effective Permit to Work system needs to be one that engages the workforce and keeps them focussed on the important issues that keep people safe. That system is RAP.
RAP PtW has been recognised as a leader in digital Permit to Work software. Our solution is a comprehensive and easy to use digital Risk Assessment and Permit to Work system. Its unique icon-based design ensures that all rules and controls are easily applied, and its wide range of configurations will adapt to any workflow – providing safe and cost-efficient Control of Work.
The system is built around a large configurable Risk Assessment knowledge base, referred to as the RAP Cortex, incorporating hundreds of years of firsthand job knowledge. This information is broken down into categories represented by icons, allowing for simple and speedy navigation.
Digital permits are built around this core, categorised by site area, and are tracked from the initial definition stage right through to permit issue and completion.
All actions taken by users within the system are carefully monitored and controlled and based on their competency set up within the system.